Research Associate at Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge working on BIM2TWIN, OMICRON and D-HYDROFLEX led by Professor Ioannis Brilakis. Before, I was a Postdoctoral Research Assistant at Division of Imaging Science and Technology, University of Dundee, worked on a vision system for soft endorobots led by Dr. Luigi Manfredi. I did my PhD in 3D computer vision at Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) Patna advised by Dr. Jimson Mathew. I’m primarily interested in understanding 3D representation from 2D cameras. My current research goal is to build a mobile 3D scanner to create digital twins for infrastructures.
- BIM2TWIN white paper released. (2024)
- Paper accepted in EC3 conference. (2024)
- Our research featured in BBC Breakfast (2024)
- Joined D-HYDROFLEX (2023)
- Received Amazing Technology Session award at EAES 2023 for our work on 3D vision system for soft endorobots (2023)
Latest publications
- JU Schlenger, K Pluta, Mathew, A., T Yeung, R Sacks, A Borrmann, Reference Architecture and Ontology Framework for Digital Twin Construction, Automation in Construction, (2025). [Paper]
- Malihi, S., Potseluyko, L., Mathew, A. et al., Review of Multimodal Data and their Applications for Road Maintenance, (2024). [Paper]
- Mathew, A., Li, S., Pluta, K., Djahel, R., and Brilakis, I., Digital Twin Enabled Construction Progress monitoring, EC3, (2024). [Paper]
- Bander, B., Mathew, A., Magerand, L., Trucco, E., and Manfredi, L., Real-Time Lumen Detection for Autonomous Colonoscopy, MICCAI 2022 ISGIE Workshop, (2022). [Paper]