You can also find my publications on my Google Scholar profile.
- Malihi, S., Potseluyko, L., Mathew, A. et al., Review of Multimodal Data and their Applications for Road Maintenance, (2024). [Paper]
- Mathew, A., Magerand, L., Trucco, E., and Manfredi, L., SoftEnNet Symbiotic Monocular Depth Estimation and Lumen Segmentation for Colonoscopy Endorobots, (2023). [arxiv]
- Mathew, A., Magerand, L., Trucco, E., and Manfredi, L., Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation for High FOV Colonoscopy Cameras, Frontiers in Robotics and AI, (2023). [Paper]
- Mathew, A., Jolly, MJ. and Mathew, J., Improved Residential Energy Management System Using Priority Double Deep Q-learning, Sustainable Cities and Society, (2021). [Paper]
- Mathew, A., Patra, A., and Mathew, J., Monocular Depth Estimators Vulnerabilities and Attacks, IEEE Intelligent Systems, (2020). [arxiv]
- Mathew, A., Roy, A., and Mathew, J., Intelligent Residential Energy Management System Using Deep Reinforcement Learning, IEEE Systems Journal, (2020). [Paper] [arxiv]
- Mathew, A., and Mathew, J., Monocular Depth Estimation with SPN loss, Image and Vision Computing, (2020). [Paper]
- Mathew, A., Li, S., Pluta, K., Djahel, R., and Brilakis, I., Digital Twin Enabled Construction Progress monitoring, EC3, (2024). [Paper]
- Bander, B., Mathew, A., Magerand, L., Trucco, E., and Manfredi, L., Real-Time Lumen Detection for Autonomous Colonoscopy, MICCAI 2022 ISGIE Workshop, (2022). [Paper]
- Mathew, A., Patra, AP., and Mathew, J., Self-Attention Dense Depth Estimation Network for Unrectified Video Sequences, ICIP, (2020). [Paper] [arxiv]
- Sanodiya RK, Mathew, A., Mathew, J., and Khushi, M., Statistical and Geometrical Alignment using Metric Learning in Domain Adaptation, IJCNN, (2020). [Paper]
- Srivastava, H., Mathew, A., and Mathew, J., A Novel Frame Similarity Based Pedestrian Counting Approach in Surveillance Videos, ICIC, (2018). [Paper]
- Mathew, A., Mathew, J., Govind, M., and Mooppan, A., An Improved Transfer learning Approach for Intrusion Detection, ICACC, (2017). [Paper]
- Easa, Z., Gupta, D., Mathew, J., and Mathew, A., Automated two-wheeler parking system by detecting the location of the vehicle using sensor under the platform. 201731036379. (Patent Pending)