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UK Skilled Worker visa Part 3.2 ATAS

Previous blog we talked about ATAS and how to apply ATAS. ATAS blog is divided into four posts: Part 3.1 talks about ATAS (Academic Technology Approval Scheme) and how to apply ATAS, Part 3.2 (this blog) talks about proposed research section in your ATAS application , Part 3.3 talks about other section in your ATAS application and Part 3.4 talks about how long ATAS application takes to be approved.

Proposed research

You be asked to give the following details:

  • What university or research institute will you be researching at?
  • Department
  • Single line stating the area of research
  • When will you start?
  • Research or Project Lead
  • CAH3 code
  • Research statement
  • Personal statement of intent
  • Plan after completion of research

You need to decide and confirm the following items with your Research or Project Lead before entering these in your ATAS application:

  • Single line stating the area of research
  • Research statement (about the research project in UK)

Personal statement of intent should talk about your research experience, area of interest, teaching experience, how this offered position fits you, and
your previous association with institute, your job title at the host institution and details of previous contact, collaboration or employment with the host institution. Research statement, personal statement of intent, and plan after completion of research should be not more than 2000 characters in length.

Next blog in this series brief about other sections in your ATAS application.