Install PCLPY 0.12.0 in Ubuntu 20.04
Many other python libraries tried to bind PCL. The most popular one being python-pcl
, which uses Cython. While Cython is
really powerful, binding C++ templates isn’t one of its strength (and PCL uses templates heavily). The result for
python-pcl is a lot of code repetition, which is hard to maintain and to add features to, and incomplete bindings of
PCL’s classes and point types. Using pybind11, we use C++ directly. Templates, boost::smart_ptr and the buffer protocol
are examples of things that are simpler to implement. The results so far are very promising. A large percentage of PCL
is covered.
The follow is the steps to install pclpy
in Ubuntu 20.04. The document shows it support python 3.7
, but I was only
successful in installing pclpy
with python 3.8
conda create --name pclpy python=2.8
conda config --env --add channels davidcaron
conda condif --env --add channels conda-forge
conda install -c conda-forge -c davidcaron pclpy
conda install qhull==2019.1
Source: pclpy github