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Installation in Ubuntu

pip install -U sphinx

via conda

conda install sphinx

Quick Start

mkdir docs
cd docs
> Separate source and build directories (y/n) [n]:
> Project name:
> Author name(s):
> Project release []:
> Project language [en]:

build dir, source dir, make.abt file, Makefile created in docs dir

Install extensions

MyST parser

pip install myst-parser

Markdown Checkbox

pip install sphinx-markdown-checkbox

Copy button

pip install sphinx-copybutton

Copy button

pip install sphinx-design

Inline tabs

pip install sphinx_inline_tabs

select themes from here

> pip install furo:


If it wasn’t commented out, it would indicate that your package is in the same directory as the file. You’ll need to change it to this:

import os
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('..'))

The Napoleon extension enables Sphinx to understand docstrings written in two other popular formats: NumPy and Google.

> extensions = [..,
sphinx-apidoc -o <OUTPUT_PATH> <MODULE_PATH>